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September 26, 2020
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Animate 3D - V 1.6 Release

We just released Animate 3D 1.6.0 which contains numerous quality updates and other improvements - all available through a free Alpha trial!

Animate 3D - V 1.6 Release

This is big. We just released Animate 3D 1.6.0 which contains numerous quality updates and other improvements - all available through a free Alpha trial!

Animate 3D is our ground-breaking new cloud animation service. Animate 3D transforms your videos into 3D animations in the matter of minutes, allowing you to both preview and download the resulting animation from a simple web interface.

We just released our first quality update, so now is the perfect time to get started and experience AI generated animation first-hand. Check out some of the latest updates below:

  • Anti-Foot Gliding Improvements: we have spent a lot of time re-evaluating the way we process input motion and have vastly improved foot gliding in the output animation, which was the most requested feature. The result is a more stable and solid footing throughout.
  • Leg/Lower-Body Improvements: new rotation fixes will assist leg and hip motion in many cases. This will also help make heavy leg movements appear more fluid and natural in the result.
  • Better Root Stabilization: new and improved root motion stability will provide more weighted, natural looking movements for your animations.

If you’d like to check it out, you can go here to sign up:

Animate 3D - Sign Up

New to Animate 3D and don’t know where to begin with your animation? We are developing a series of tutorials to help guide the process of retargeting your animation to your own custom 3D character in a variety of platforms. Check them out here:

Animate 3D - Sign Up

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